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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

By Mirza Ali

Intense Intention!

Intentions are waved together with instinct, Intellectual and emotional approach, the approach is the like and non like events. The liking of the event and desire of the achievement is the leveled bottom that hips and pushes up to the loftiness where intention steer the actionist. That intention is persistent and extremely intense efforts. No force can limit the intensity of intention, no bearers no other bottle-neck resists to go on with the intention. Craving for the settled goal is the ultimate destination.

The link here is the Focal Point, which enables the actionist to reach to the point s/he has been swaying over wavering .the point Focused and Focal point is absolute ambition of Star Performers. One who focuses 100% and has complete awareness about oneself is the Star performer, highest achiever, and then descends accordingly.

A thorough review of facts have cumulated in organized way by various eminent scholars, scientis, educationist, philosophers and highly experienced of the fields, more the findings of them, have the only outcomes that is extensive Intention, that roots with early life that starts from mother lap. This intention has associations with the desired achievements from very Beginning, which shows the desire of a thing to get in that tinny life, that quest shows the direction of the infant. Though change is always experienced. The true force that pushes toward a positive way is the top indicator of star performer. That all come in a point, how to availed the opportunity not to forgo, or lose.

This quest for learning and achievement is the driving force to adhere the magnanimous resources in to well channeled, where depth longitude existed.
The pioneers of various facts and concepts that have brought many fold changes in short span in human society are those have had INTENSE INTENTION to gear out the possibilities by undaunted efforts. The magnitude relied with the focused and top settled goal. Practicality in the achievement

In this arena where competitors are on the verge, getting down of minor mistake has brought immense change and curiosity in the minds. This has put most of the people to endeours and straightens the dimension and obvious the focal point is the gist of the achievement at every level and the degree has no more compatibility except the focused mind aware behaviors a little distraction or deviation from the point then nothing more dismal, repudiated and disdained forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear Mir,
its new for me, great !it is really inspirational, and the inttelectual touch! hope this will lead you to the destination you have always in mind!
my prayers are with you
kip up and raise your head

urs Hamad