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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Updates about the Adventure diplomacy & Women Empowerment expeditions to Seven summits in Seven Continents

Dear followers and Readers, my sincere apology for not updating my blog and so the website, actually i  am not updating because i am writing a book about the Adventure diplomacy & Women empowerment project ,this project was to climb the 7 heights  mountains in Seven continents, Shukr Alhamadullilah , me and my sister Samina baig, climbed the Seven mountains in Seven continents in just a record time of 8months, excluding Everest, due to avalanche this year the mountain was closed, so i couldn't'  climb the peak, Samina had climbed it last year, i didn't go to the summit because of Women Empowerment message  back home! 
well i am sure  dear followers will follow till the main story is out!

thank you and Regards